
Formative assessment questions for teaching physics

A2L Item 199

  • Description: Indicate the direction of the electric field at the origin due to two rods.
  • Goal: Hone the concept of electric field
  • Source: UMPERG-283-365
  • Keywords: Distributed Charges, Electric Field, Electromagnetism

The question for students:

Item199_fig1.gif Two uniformly charged rods are positioned horizontally as shown. The top rod is positively charged and the bottom rod is negatively charged. The total electric field at the origin

  1. is 0
  2. has both an x, and a y component
  3. points totally in the i direction
  4. points totally in the -i direction
  5. points totally in the j direction
  6. points totally in the -j direction

Commentary for teachers:


(6) By symmetry the field must point along the y-axis. Students who do not understand that the field points away from positive charges and towards negative charges would select #1 thinking that the fields cancel.