A2L Item 217
- Description: Indicate the changes in stored charge, potential difference and stored energy in an isolated capacitor when a dielectric is inserted between the plates.
- Goal: Reason regarding capacitors and dielectrics.
- Source: 283-535 inserting a dielectric changes a capacitor
- Keywords: Capacitors, Dielectric, Electromagnetism, Energy, Voltage
The question for students:
A capacitor with capacitance C is connected to a battery until charged, then disconnected from the battery. A dielectric having constant κ is inserted in the capacitor. What changes occur in the charge, potential and stored energy of the capacitor after the dielectric is inserted?
- V stays same, Q increases, U increases
- V stays same, Q decreases, U stays same
- V increases, Q decreases, U increases
- V decreases, Q stays same, U decreases
- None of the above
- Cannot be determined
Commentary for teachers:
(4) It should be clear to students that the charge cannot change. Most students recognize that capacitance increases when a dielectric is inserted into a capacitor. The issue then becomes whether they appreciate the relationships between C, Q, V and U.